Nha Pham, D.P.M.

Podiatric Education

Undergraduate degree from The University of California, Irvine
Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree from Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine
Podiatric Residency, Hoboken University Medical Center

Professional Designations

Board Certified in Podiatric Medicine
Foot and Ankle Arthroscopy Certificate, ACFAS
AO Basic and Advanced Skill Course
Physician Wound Care Certificate


Ferritin Accumulation in Dystrophic Microglia is an early event in the development of Huntington’s Disease
Reactive Microglia in the Brains of Huntington’s Disease Mutant Mice Contain Iron


  • APMA Scholar
  • OCPM Clement Scholar
  • Dean’s Honor List
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Research